A unusual job is developed in the altitude of the higth buildings of the city, without anybody that think about it.
The glasses cleaners confront
altitudes since one or two floors, this persons generally are men because in this job are neeeded iron nerves and very calm.

the practice of this men has been learned with many experience years,this jobis not easy, say them.
But the salary is very good, it does on the numbers of floors and size of the windows and the time of the day.
Obviously, this job is very dangerous, but with the security and adequate equipment it becomes something a little bit safer.
The equipment are:
Security shoes
Rope (200meters)
Special liquid

Today exists many companies that offer this service, because almost nobody does it, besides it must have a permisson of the security inspectors.
In little buildings of two or three floors the glasses cleaners can earn a few money in high buildings they can earn more money, then if they want earn a good salary, they must expose to fast winds, temperature changes and great altitude.
Everyday, we don't see persons that can live working in the hights, like spiders in thebuilding. They make the city cleaner and beautiful.